Lloyd Business School, Greater Noida on 12th April 2022 inaugurated and launched the “Curtain Raiser Event for “Learning Management Portal” first of its kind initiative taken by a B-school in Delhi-NCR. The session was inaugurated by the Group Director, Dr Vandana Arora Sethi and Mr Gagan Agarwal , Leader Academic Partnerships Career Education, IS/IA, IBM India.
According to a Harvard Business Review briefing paper, by 2025, businesses will collectively be handling an estimated 175 zettabytes of data, according to the Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network.
As we usher in the next decade of emerging technologies, and with the zeal to prepare students for Industry and Career Building Skills, we at Lloyd in Collaboration with IBM have launched the LMS (Learning Management System) portal for Analytics and Data Science Courses, an offerings which provides customized learning paths to students from different specializations who would want to explore Data Analytics with Management studies.The portal will be a hybrid portal, with self-paced learning courses augmented with instructor-led courses.
The session inaugurated the various Analytics and Data Science courses which the portal will provide so that students from management can learn and get certified. Students attended the session with zeal and passion and at Lloyd, we look forward to a new journey of Management which brings data analytical abilities in decision making.