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Bajaj, R., Som, B. K., & Gupta, M. (2015). Enriching Academia-Corporate Loop (ACL)–A Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. Journal of Business Theory and Practice, 3(2), 224. doi:10.22158/jbtp.v3n2p224

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Som, B. K. (2015). System Design and Profit Optimization for Import Houses A Queuing Theory Approach,. Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology, 2(3), 1-4. Retrieved from read more

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Rajeev Saxena & Neelu Tiwari (2015), Optimum Utilization of Resources by using Transportation Technique, Industrial Engineering Letters, ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper), ISSN 2225 – 0581 (Online) Vol. 5, No. 2.

Rajeev Saxena (2015), A study on Impact of Pricing & other behavior in influencing consumer perception for Branded handsets in NCR (India), Emerging Global Economic Perspectives (An International Gamut), ISBN 978-93-8326-309-7.


Som, B. K. (2015, November). Decision making with stochastic modeling – a strategy for growth in uncertain environment. Paper presented at India: The Next Decade, The 3rd PAN IIM World Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Indore.

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Som, B. K. (2015, February). System Design and Economic Analysis of Markovian Queuing System with Customer Impatience. Paper presented at International Conference on Contemporary Practices in Management: Creative or Dogmatic, JIMS, New Delhi, India.

Som, B. K., Bajaj, R., & Gupta, M. (2015, May). Enriching Academia-Corporate Loop (ACL) – A Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. Paper presented at National Conference on CSR , Indain Institute of Management, Raipur, India.

Rajeev Saxena (2015), Inferential Analysis for Brand Choice in NCR Region, 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad.

Rajeev Saxena (2015), A critical Analysis of Consumer Buying Behaviour in Mobile phone Market in National Capital Region (India) in National Conference on Entrepreneurship Development: Emerging Challenges in Global Economy organized by United Group of Institutions, Greater Noida

Mehta, K. G., & Rahul, S. (2015). An empirical study on the relationship between website characteristic and consumer online buying behavior, Evidence based Management. Excellent Publishing House ISBN¬ 978¬93-84935¬18¬4.

Chapter in Books

Gulati, K. & Rahul S. (2015). An empirical study on the relationship between website characteristics and consumer online buying behavior. Evidence-based Management, BITS Pilani (pp. 71-76). Excellent Publishing House, 2015. ISBN­ 978­93­84935­18­4.