Dr. Krity Gulati (2021). Awareness Towards Green Marketing: An Empirical Evidence of Indian Youth. Oeconomia Copernicana, Vol 2, Issue 6

Dr. Vandana Pareek (2021). Satisfaction Analysis of Indian Sweets Consumers in Varanasi: Perspectives and Road Ahead. IUJ Journal of Management, Vol. 9, No. 02

Ms. Neha Issar (2021). Data Mining Algorithms in Knowledge Management for Predicting Diabetes After Pregnancy by Using R. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 12, No. 6

Dr. Vandana Pareek (2021). A Study of External and Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Sugar Mills Functioning in Rural Areas. VSRD-International Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol. 12, Special Issue

Dr. Imad Ali (2021). Does People's Attitude Towards Disable Change During Crisis? An Exploratory Study on COVID-19 Pandemic. Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 20, No. 03

Dr. Bhupinder Kumar Som (2021). A Meta Analysis of Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Accounting and Finance. SCMS Journal of Indian Management


Dr. Vandana Pareek (2021). Paper presented on the topic “NEP 2020: Opportunities and Challenges for Professional Courses at National Education Policy: Transformational reforms in Higher education: Making a Global Impact at Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology.

Dr. Dolly Gaur (2021). Paper presented on the topic “Estimating Intellectual Capital and its impact on Firms’ Performance: Use of A-VAIC and M-VAIC Model” at 2nd International Conference on The Role of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management for Sustainable Development, OP Jindal University Raigarh.

Dr. Vandana Pareek (2021). Paper presented on the topic “A Study of External and Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Sugar Mills Functioning in Rural Areas” at Sustainable Practice in Business Management & Technology in Turbulent Times, Jagran Institute of Management.

Dr. Neetu Bali Kamra (2021). Paper presented on the topic “A study to analyse the churn rate for customers in Telecom sector using Predictive Analytics in data science” at International E-Conference on “Computing and Data Science”.

Dr. Neetu Bali Kamra (2021). Paper presented on the topic “A study on Sociomateriality view of Technology on Social factors in Organizations for Harmonization of material (technology) and non-material (humans) aspects of Organizations” at 8th International Conference on Sustainability (SUSCON 2021) held at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong (virtual).